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Small Reactions - New Age Soul

Small Reactions - New Age Soul

If you’re looking for a great new take on age-old new-wave music (boy that reads rather strangely), then you should definitely check out the latest release by Atlanta-based Indie band, Small Reactions. ‘New Age Soul’ is a sweet, peppy, and synthetic piece of Indie Rock that might just be what people need to get out of that Covid slump we’ve all been in for the past year.


There is something about the off-kilter hearkening back to what many consider a simpler time that really does make this track, however difficult to understand lyrically, a true feel-good song. The synth, the tone of the guitar; the beats all seem to really come from a time not so long ago that many have seemingly pretty much forgotten. Whatever the song may mean, it can be held to stand as a microcosm of the endured nuttiness of the past year. Who can very vividly recall the last time they didn’t have to wear a mask into a store or were able to shake hands without care?

So with Small Reactions’ ‘New Age Soul’, we rediscover a sound many of us have not heard for some time and perhaps thought was all but gone. And we, eventually, will be able to enjoy such music side-by-side, hand-in-hand; free to breathe each other’s air and revel in our very own ‘New Age Soul’.

Whether you search for deeper meaning in the lyrics (which I personally found difficult to do, understanding perhaps about half of them), or you just want to have an upbeat tune to kick your day off with, I’m willing to wager that ‘New Age Soul’ will give you what you want; a discovery one way or the other.

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